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How to Make Money with Drones

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How to Make Money with Drones How to Make Money with Drones How to Make Money with Drones

How to Make Money with Drones

There are several ways to make money with drones, including:

  1. Photography and videography: Drones can capture unique aerial footage for real estate listings, weddings, and other events.
  2. Surveying and mapping: Drones can be used to survey and map large areas of land, such as construction sites and mines.
  3. Inspection and maintenance: Drones can be used to inspect and maintain infrastructure, such as power lines and bridges.
  4. Delivery: Drones can be used to make deliveries, such as for online retailers and medical supplies.
  5. Agriculture: Drones can be used for crop spraying, monitoring crop health, and mapping fields.

It’s also important to note that to operate a drone for commercial use, you’ll need to pass the FAA’s aeronautical knowledge test and obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate (Part 107).

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