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Can you Fly Drones in National Parks

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Can you Fly Drones in National Parks Can you Fly Drones in National Parks Can you Fly Drones in National Parks

Can you Fly Drones in National Parks

Whether or not you can fly drones in national parks depends on the specific park and the regulations in place. In general, the use of drones in national parks is subject to regulations set by the National Park Service (NPS).

The NPS has banned drone flights in 84 national parks as of 2021, and in other parks, they are only allowed with a special permit. In general, the NPS prohibits drone flights in national parks to protect wildlife, visitors, and park resources, as well as to preserve the natural quiet of the park.

Before flying a drone in a national park, it’s important to check the specific regulations for that park, as well as any state or local laws that may apply. In general, it is best to check with the park service for any restrictions and/or permit requirements.

It’s also important to note that flying drones in national parks can be dangerous for both the operator and other visitors, and can also have a negative impact on wildlife and park resources. Therefore, it is important to fly responsibly and follow all regulations and guidelines when operating a drone in a national park.

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